Copy from tmux to system clipboard
When I was new to tmux
many years ago, one of the initial things that kept me from adopting it fully was the inability (or so I thought) of copying from within a tmux
session into my OS’s clipboard.
Of course, this is possible and it just takes a little know how.
To see how copy
is bound in your tmux
, we list out copy-mode-vi
(I use vi
but you can also use copy-mode-emacs
tmux -f /dev/null list-keys -T copy-mode-vi
Note: This actually creates a new tmux
session but is placed into /dev/null
then that session will list the keys to stdout
. If you don’t add /dev/null
you could get nested tmux
sessions if you ran that command inside another tmux
session (not recommended!). If you run it outside a tmux
session, all you will get is a new empty tmux
To bind copy
to pipe its contents into a macOS clipboard, add the following to your .tmux.conf
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "pbcopy"
What this does is this: when you have selected what to copy by dragging with the mouse, it copies the text highlighted, cancels the selection and pipes it into pbcopy
(use xcopy
for linux). Of course, you can bind other keys such as y
for yank, but why not just have a simple one-drag operation?
Note that in iterm2
the ability to copy anything from within the terminal to the pasteboard is built in. Visit Preferences > General > Selection
and check “Applications in terminal may access the clipboard”.