i · Dark Matter Industries

Ceci n’est pas un blog

What is a blog anyway? A cathartic outlet? A store of information? An aide-mémoire? Perhaps all that and more to the writer. Certainly there is an element of arrogance in thinking that I have something which could be of value to anyone who stumbles upon this site.

However, if we look at it from your perspective, dear reader, it is likely that you would only bother about a piece’s entertainment and/or educational content. And so perhaps that is why this exists – and has existed for years – because I believe that it could provide some light relief and perhaps teach you about some of the things that I have learnt in my own journeys.

What I get out of it is very different. It is all the above in the opening paragraph, but mostly it is to keep exercising my writing muscles. I don’t mean the muscles in my fingers to keep my touch-typing speed up or my vim-fu muscle memory. I mean those “leetel grey cells”, as a famous Belgian detective was wont to quip.

I am not using Disqus not because I do not accept feedback; I just don’t have the time to deal with trolls or other time wasters and build a whole industry. If you want to engage with me, then please send an email to: ds [at] darkmatter.industries.

And no, email is not passé despite what the modern generation might have you believe.

(The earlier email address before I bagged this domain name still works.)